Rutledge Lake Lodge is located approximately 130 miles south east of Yellowknife NT and is accessible by float plane only. A number of carriers provide daily jet service to Yellowknife from Edmonton including Westjet, Air Canada, and Canadian North. By car, Yellowknife is 1503 kilometers from Edmonton or approximately 15 – 16 hours driving.

When booking your flights in/out of Yellowknife, ensure your arrival is prior to 10:00am on your day of departure to the Lodge as flights to the Lodge depart the charter’s base at 10:45am. Flights from the Lodge depart @ 1:00pm and will have you back in Yellowknife by 2:30pm. Please note flight times to and from the Lodge are contingent on weather conditions and or other factors that may cause delays beyond our control. We recommend booking departure from Yellowknife home no earlier than 5:00pm.
After arriving in Yellowknife, a 15 minute cab ride will have you at the charter’s base and then on to the lodge. Any last minute items you may need for your trip can be easily purchased with one or two stops on the way to the charter’s base.
The 1 hour and 30 minute flight from Yellowknife to the Lodge provides some truly spectacular views of Great Slave Lake and the endless pristine wilderness that is “The Northwest Territories”!!